About Nominee

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour.

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+44 123 456 7890

Office Location

4516 School Street Danbury, CT, Canada


ERA Centennial Campaign

ERA (Equal Rights Amendment) Centenial Campaign

ERA Centennial: Empowering Equality

Join the ERA Centennial Campaign 2023 to commemorate the introduction of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) and act to affirm its passage as the 28th Amendment. The 100-year anniversary marks the congressional introduction of the original ERA bill in 1923 and the continued denial to affirm an ERA bill amending the United States Constitution to guarantee equal rights under the law without regard to sex. Denied since 1923, the theme is “We Have Waited Long Enough.”

How to Participate? 

Contact your NYSFDW Chapter/Club President or your local Democratic committee.

Together, choose and plan a commemorative activity.

Post photos of your event on Social Media using our hashtags:  





Upcoming Events

September Lunch & Learn

September 18th, 2024



September Lunch & Learn features some of our leaders of the Coordinated Campaign Regions! RSVP now to join!